Industry knowledge

Chitin has such an effect on the human body!

From : Dingxin Biotechnology

  • Chitin can lower blood sugar

The chemical structure of chitin is very similar to that of plant fibers, both of which are polymers of six-carbon sugars, so they are called animal fibers. Chitin is a positively charged cationic group with strong adsorption and swelling properties, maintains a certain volume in the intestine, reduces mixing between foods, delays or reduces the absorption of sugars in food, and lowers and delays blood sugar peaks. Chitin regulates the function of the endocrine system, decreases the glucose index and inhibits the rise of blood sugar.

  • Chitin can lower blood lipids

After the fat in food enters the human body, it emulsifies under the action of bile acids, forming tiny lipid droplets. Lipase converts tiny lipid droplets into glyceridines that are absorbed by the intestinal mucosa. Chitin is positively charged and negatively charged bile acids are eliminated from the body, affecting the emulsification of fats. Fats that are not emulsified cannot be absorbed, thus reducing the serum triglyceride content. The cholesterol that people consume from food is changed into cholesteryl esters by the action of bile acids and enzymes, which are absorbed by the intestines.

  • Chitin can lower blood pressure

Chitin is a positively charged cationic gene that binds to chloride ions in table salt and excretes them in the stool to reduce the absorption of chloride ions. or single-molecule chitin combines with chloride ions to reduce the concentration of chloride ions in blood sugar, so that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity decreases, resulting in a decrease in angiotensin 11 formation, an increase in bradykinin, an enhancement of vasodilation, and a decrease in blood pressure.

  • Chitin strengthens the body's immunity

Chitin has the ability to strengthen human immunity and enhance cellular immunity, chitin can make the pH value of body fluids alkaline, thereby creating the best environment for lymphocytes to attack cancer cells and improve the function of killing cancer cells. Chitin can enhance humoral immunity, activate macrophages, and enhance their phagocytic ability.

  • Chitin can improve the efficacy of antineoplastic drugs

Low-molecular-weight chitin and 5-fluorouracil antineoplastic drugs can improve their efficacy in the treatment of tumors. A condensed mixture of hydroxymethylchitinan with a tripeptide (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) inhibits cancer cells. Glucopeptides, the hydrolysate of chitosan, can synthesize chlorourea toxin, which has been used in clinical practice as an antitumor drug. Japan and other countries have developed intravenous chitosan drugs that inhibit cancer cells.

  • Exclusion of cytotoxic substances from radiation therapy and anticancer drugs

Chitin is taken during radiotherapy, and its cationic polysaccharides have a strong affinity for free radicals, which can be combined into complexes or adsorbed and excreted from the body, which can effectively protect normal tissues from damage. In addition, chitin can effectively eliminate harmful substances caused by the use of anti-cancer drugs, slow down the damage to organs, play a protective role in organs, and can reduce the adverse reactions of chemotherapy.