虫虫加点糖,做成美味健康、像肉一样的调料|ACS Fall 2022
来源 : 鼎欣科技

甲虫的幼虫,如黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor, 俗称面包虫),通常被认为是恐怖的、令人厌恶的东西。但是这些虫子是能够食用的,并且可以作为传统动物蛋白的一种健康替代品。现在,有研究人员宣布他们用黄粉虫和糖做出了一种像肉一样的调料。有朝一日,它可以加入方便食品中,成为美味的另一种蛋白质来源。

研究人员在 8 月 21 日至 25 日举行的美国化学学会(ACS)秋季会议上介绍了他们的研究结果。

“目前,由于动物蛋白的成本不断上升,以及相关的环境问题,食用昆虫已经引起了人们的兴趣,”该项目的首席研究员 In Hee Cho 博士说。

据联合国统计,到 2050 年,全球人口预计将达到 97 亿;到 2100 年将达到近 110 亿。养活这些人口所需的动物肉,尤其是牛、猪和羊,需要大量的食物、水和土地资源。此外,牛打嗝会排出大量甲烷,是引起气候变化的一个重要因素。因此,人类需要更加可持续的蛋白质来源。

“昆虫是一种富含营养的、健康的食物来源,像肉类一样,它含有大量的脂肪酸、维生素、矿物质、纤维和高质量的蛋白质,”韩国圆光大学(Wonkwang University)的 Cho 博士说 。


在世界许多地方,食用昆虫并不寻常,人们可能会对咀嚼昆虫感到恶心。虽然一些公司正试图改变人们的想法,将烹饪好的整条黄粉虫作为咸脆零食出售,但它还是不能被消费者普遍接受。Cho 说,为了能让更多的人食用黄粉虫,或许有一种更隐蔽的方法——将昆虫以调味料的形式藏在易于烹饪的食品以及其他方便食品中。



之后,来自 Cho 团队的研究生 Hojun Seo 比较了黄粉虫幼虫用不同方法烹饪时产生的味道。蒸熟的黄粉虫会散发出更浓郁的甜玉米味,而烤过和油炸的黄粉虫则有虾味和油炸味。Seo 表示,在烧烤和油炸的过程中产生的呈味物质包括吡嗪、醇、醛等,与烹饪肉类和海鲜时产生的呈味物质相似。根据这些结果,研究小组预测,将富含蛋白质的黄粉虫与糖一起加热,可以产生额外的反应香精(Reaction flavors)。

Cho 表示,反应香精,又称加工香精,来自蛋白质和糖共同加热发生的相互作用,例如美拉德反应、斯特克雷反应、焦糖化反应以及脂肪酸氧化。其结果通常是产生一系列肉味和咸味。

Cho 实验室的研究生兼会议报告人 Hyeyong Park 测试了不同的反应条件以及黄粉虫和糖的不同比例,产生了多种反应香精。她在样品中总共鉴定出 98 种挥发性化合物。然后,研究小组将这些样本交给一组志愿者,让他们反馈哪个样本释放出的“肉味”最好。“最终,这项研究根据消费者的喜好对 10 种反应香精进行了优化。” Park 说

据研究者所知,这是首次用黄粉虫产生理想的反应香精。Cho 表示,希望这项研究成果能够有助于肉味和咸味调味料的商业化开发,并且鼓励方便食品行业在产品中加入可食用昆虫。”下一步,该团队将进一步优化烹饪过程,以减少黄粉虫最终制成的调味品中的任何不受欢迎的味道或异味。


【标题】Comparison of aroma profiles from mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)-based reaction flavors optimized by consumer preferences.


Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), which contains beneficial essential amino acids and is high in unsaturated fatty acids, is one of the most widely used edible insects in the world. However, edible insects are not universally accepted in our food cultures due to their repellant appearance and unique flavor characteristics. Therefore, many studies have been conducted on various processed food applications with mealworm. Our previous study had demonstrated the possibility of manufacturing mealworm-based reaction flavor (M-RF); the present investigated aroma profiles and the differences between M-RFs optimized by consumer preferences. A total of 98 volatile compounds were identified in M-RFs, including 17 nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds, 9 oxygen-containing heterocyclic compounds, 8 sulfur-containing heterocyclic compounds, 11 sulfides, 15 aldehydes, 6 ketones, 11 alcohols, 13 esters & acids, and 8 aliphatic hydrocarbons. The differences in M-RF aroma profiles were modeled using partial least squares-discriminant analysis. This indicated that M-RFs exhibiting larger amounts of methionine and garlic powder were located on the positive t axis, while those with higher proportion of cysteine were on the negative t axis. The main compounds contributing to this separation were linoleic acid ethyl ester, 2-pentylfuran, benzeneacetaldehyde, ethyl palmitate, benzaldehyde, ethyl oleate, 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, and tricosane. Our model also revealed that M-RFs exhibiting higher proportion of garlic powder were located on the positive t axis, while those with more methionine were on the negative t axis. Ferruginol, diallyl sulfide, eugenol, 2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 2-furfurylthiol, 3-methyl-2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde, 1-hexanol, 2-nonen-4-one, allyl propyl sulfide, diallyl trisulfide, allyl prop-1-enyl disulfide, and 4-heptenal were associated with this discrimination.